Killa snus is one of the strongest snus on the market

Killa snus is the most extreme snus for you who wants an intense snus experience. Siberia snus has a nicotine level of up to 43mg/g which makes Siberia to one of the strongest snus in the world. It can be compared with a traditional snus which has a nicotine level of around 8mg/g, which means that Siberia snus is 5 times stronger. This strong snus is not fort he beginners and is not recommended to people who are sensitive to nicotine.


Snus is not legal in the UK. In fact, it is illegal to sell snus in all European Union countries except for Sweden, where snus has a longstanding tradition. Although the UK is no longer part of the EU, so far this legislation has not changed.


Snus contains both tobacco and nicotine. Snus users place the product under the upper lip and nicotine is released into the saliva. a wider choice for the consumers GN Tobacco has a way of working that is different from other companies in the industry, and their goals is to create a greater freedom for the consumers. The market and the supply of snus is characterized by traditions, and GN Tobacco’s business concept is to open up to one instead open, free and independent market where consumers have greater freedom and variety in their choice of their tobacco products.

Unlike other companies in the industry, GN Tobacco is a privately owned production company which allows them to be more flexible and mobile in the market. The company has a strong focus to meet the consumer demand, and they are motivated by constantly having an attractive and appreciated range with high quality and good prices.

Brown power portion snus

Brown Portion Slim also gives you the feeling of “ice cold power”. Instead of the white portions, these two varieties are instead packaged in portion bags in original design (original portion), for a direct and even more intense snus experience. Also here, you get the Siberia snus characteristic properties with it immensely high nicotine content and the refreshing taste of mint.


Snuff is a finely ground dried tobacco product that comes in two forms: dried and moist. Dried snuff is inhaled into the nasal cavity, whilst moist snuff is placed between your lower lip and gum.

Snuff also contains nicotine which is absorbed through the lining of your nose or mouth. Chewing tobacco is a smokeless tobacco made from cured tobacco leaves. It comes in many forms including leaves, pellets, plugs, and twists. You will also find flavoured and sweetened varieties.

Users place the chewing tobacco between the inner cheek and gums and suck on the tobacco juices produced by the saliva and tobacco infusing together.